Tuesday, 5 December 2023

The Crown Jewels of Bike Packing - The Heaphy, Old Ghost Road and the Paparoa Track

 Bike packing has really taken off in New Zealand over the last 15 years. 

Every bike shop, every manufacturer has specialised bikes, packs, tyres, etc available! What a change and it is great seeing everyone out there enjoying the incredible network of trails we have. Routes have been put together to challenge everyone ... Tour Aotearoa, Cape to Cape, Sounds to Sounds, Te Waiponamu, Renegades Muster, the Great Southern Brevet, the Kiwi Brevet, the Geyser Mega Grind, the Carrot Cake Chase and the list goes on.

But for back country trials my favourite three are (and they are pretty much on my door step!) The Heaphy, The Old Ghost Road and the Paparoa Track.

Rugged wilderness ... HUGE views ... peace and quiet ... Stunning flora and fauna

While each of these rides can be completed in a day (by the fit), I ask why? Life is so busy and these places are an opportunity to slow down and (as they say) smell the flowers. Enjoy being in the moment, where you are, who you are with and soak in the surroundings.


The Heaphy, ohh so much history here as a ride, it was a paper road through what was North West State Forest Park, but with it becoming Kahurangi National Park  and mechanical vehicles were not allowed, access to the paper road was closed. Long negotiations followed after a few years an agreement was formed that it could be ridden during the winter months (1 May to 30 November), a first in a National Park! We owe a big thanks of gratitude to both sides of the negotiation table.

At 78 kilometres long, but with a 430 km shuttle from one end of the track to the other it involves some serious logistics.

We avoid this by doing a there and back option, leaving from the Golden Bay road end, staying at Saxon hut for the night, then the next day doing an out and back ride to the coast, without any gear and on the third day ride back to the car, followed by a cold pint at the Mussel Inn on he way home.

The Heaphy Track

JEWEL No2 - The Old Ghost Road

This is a magic ride into some BIG back country, carved through rock and bush which takes in some stunning vistas.

We start this 85 km ride at Lyell in the Buller river valley and climb to stay at either Lyall Saddle or Ghost Lake, the following day head out to Speciman Point Hut on the Mokihinui River, the last day is a cruisy morning out to the trial end for a shower and beer.

There is no way in  hell that i want to ride this in one day, there is so much to take in and I want to just enjoy being out amongst the wilderness, this is a really special place, which we have the privilege's of visiting due to a small group of people tenacity and hard work... THANK YOU!

There is a great video on building the trail on the website check it out here

JEWEL No 3 - The Paparoa Track

Like the previous two trials, the landscapes are stunning and vary so differently between the three tracks. At 55 kilometres this is the shortest track but dont underestimate the climbing involved on day one ... that can be said for the other two as well!

'The escarpment that you traverse along between the moonlight tops hut and the Pororari hut has to be seen to be believed.

We do this over two days finishing in Punakaiki, for a meal and pint.

The Paparoa Track

Shuttles can be arranged for all these trails which makes it easy to do, fill the car with people and split the costs, it makes it reasonable. All the huts are well serviced so you don't have to carry much but you do have to book in advance, check the links to the websites.

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